Monthly Archives: February 2014

Artifact : Parallax

Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.  Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between

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Posted in Programming

Artifact : Button

The artifact of the week is the Button! What is the Button ? The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites. The button as

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Posted in Programming

Artifact : Sliders

The artifact that I will go through this week will be the Sliders. What is the Slider ? The sliders I’ve created can be used either as a Health bars or Volume controllers or in any scenario where you have

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Posted in Programming

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 3

Today I ran into some issues while trying to modify the code from the Platformer project we got during last course. The problem occured as the old code used SDL, and the new project is using SFML. The issues I

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Posted in Programming