Visuall Progress

Overlap pic

Today, I’ve worked with printing the Level, inside the State. Also Created a new class for the Background using the same system as for the Level, that can be edited from a text file.
The point of having two different levels is that they can easily be drawn on top of each other causing overlapping (shown in picture), While not sure how the movement and collision will work, it felt easier to make a separate class that handles the background.

Getting this to work properly turned into a minor mess inside my head. When playing around with pointers in order to get all the different states to use the same Engine.

Next up will be Creating the Menu state, considering Ladbon is working on the Movement and Collision. Therefore i can’t really progress on this part.

Also got one of the Graphic Students to create sprites for the game (Thanks Cheese).

Things left to do in order to have a Game.

Create a PlayerObject – With movement and collision

Create GameObjects – Moving Cars and Floating Turtles and Logs, also with Collision

Create a ScoreSystem – Keeping Track on scores & lifes and such (possibly more than 1 class)

Create StartMenu – Select New Game / High Score / Options Menu

Create OptionsMenu – Sound Controller

Getting it all to work in Harmony.

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